Updated 05/9/2019
NOTE: After you have signed up and teleported home you SHOULD be sure to have 1 group slot open. We went through great lengths this year to make sure invites were sent to you ONLY when you were online so that you do not miss the invite. There is absolutely no excuse this time. Group invites have been the biggest time-consuming part of camp and we made it so that you will not miss your invite. Group invites will not be resent!
SLURL For Sign Up Will ONLY Be Sent Via Chat to The Following Groups at Precisely 12:00PM SLT And At 6:00PM SLT.
Richmond Survival Camp (open group) – secondlife:///app/group/9460a800-7edb-7637-4fc5-03400f724c17/about
Richmond Survival Camp S2018 (closed group) – secondlife:///app/group/6025a20a-9c10-9726-3f68-ae26d6eb5d49/about
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RichmondSurvivalCamp/
Sign Ups for Summer 2019 Will Be as Follows:
Please read carefully because we will not be repeating this over and over as having to answer a multitude of IMs asking, “How do we sign up?” only slows the process down.
* S2018 Campers Sign-Ups: July 13th @ 12:00 PM SLT & 6:00 PM SLT
* Open Enrollment Sign- Ups: July 14th @ 12:00 PM SLT & 6:00 PM SLT
1. Walk up to one of the three kiosks and touch the sign directly next to it.
2. You will be asked whether you are signing yourself up or signing up someone else. This is important, if you fail to select the proper button then I am sorry but whoever you signed up will be the one to get the group invite and you will have to wait on the waiting list. You can only sign yourself up or someone else not both. One sign up per avatar regardless of what option you use. USE LOGIN NAME NOT DISPLAY NAME, IF YOU ENTER THE INCORRECT NAME OR SIGNED UP A PERSON YOU DID NOT MEAN TO, NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE.
3. You will be asked to read the rules and accept. Note: if you signed someone else up they will receive a copy of the rules. You will receive a confirmation via pop up and in local letting you know the sign-up was successful.
4. You’re done.
5. Go home and make room for 1 group invite. Invite will be sent by Reepicheep (raueger)
6. Wait up to 48 hours for your group invite. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT message us about the invite within that time.
7. Welcome to camp!
Camp sign up region will only allow 10 people to teleport at a time. IF you get region is full message just keep trying. Once all spots for the day have been claimed the region will be locked to staff only.
Thank you all!
RSC Staff